Calling All Lawyers! Part 1

Business people discussing a documentRosenfarb LLC’s clients are primarily litigators – lawyers who represent clients that are in midst of disputes about money. These litigators are smart, hard-working and aggressive. They are focused on their goals. They want their clients to pay as little as possible to a plaintiff demanding money; or to obtain as much money as possible from a defendant that doesn’t want to pay. And sometimes they attempt to stop people from making money at the expense of their clients; or allow their client to continue making money.

That’s a broad generalization of lawyers who are litigators and what they do.

Our expert witness service covers all areas of accounting and financial damages. When we are first retained by litigators, we are retained as consulting experts, rather than testifying experts. As consulting experts, we can assist the lawyer in not only developing their case, but in explaining and providing support for what’s wrong with their case, and hopefully how to strengthen it. None of our work as consulting experts is discoverable, which means it cannot be obtained by the adversaries (the other side).

Assuming that our opinions are consistent with the lawyer’s litigation strategy, which means it’s consistent with the client’s objectives, our position changes and we are then retained as testifying experts. As testifying experts, all of our work is subject to discovery, which means that all of the documents and information that we rely upon and consider in providing our opinion, is available to our client’s adversary. The other side has to be able to critique, comment, and review our conclusions and opinions. Therefore, they need to be able to read, review and analyze all the data and documents that we have considered in coming to our conclusions.

Sometimes our opinions are not consistent with the lawyer’s litigation strategy. In that case, we are not retained as testifying experts.

At Rosenfarb LLC, we understand litigators. We understand business. We understand the litigation process. We have keen insights and always connect the dots. We frame the issues simply and in alignment with litigation strategy. We use logic to support our opinions, while creating compelling stories. We are sincere, professional and credible. We are accounting experts with legal acumen.

In part 2 of this blog we discuss the role of the Testifying Expert in more detail.

If you are a litigator in need of an accounting or financial damages expert, we would be more than happy, free of charge, to speak with you and discuss your case. Or, feel free to leave us a comment/question in the “Leave a Reply” box below.

Rosenfarb LLC
Phone: (855) 415-1100